You could be one of those smart salespeople or business representatives, possibly even a marketer who doesn’t know as much as he should about PURLs. Yes indeed the PURL is a mini site, but it is also a powerful tool.

You could be one of those smart salespeople or business representatives, possibly even a marketer who doesn’t know as much as he should about PURLs. Yes indeed the PURL is a mini site, but it is also a powerful tool … By definition, custom URLs are unique, pre-generated URLs for print or email recipients. These recipients are taken into a magical vortex of personalization, familiarity, understanding, effective communication, etc. Based on demographic information, or whatever else exists in a marketer’s database, the site acquires the identity of the customer.

The custom URL has a four-part structure: a landing page / landing page, a survey page, an information page, and a thank you page. This autonomous architecture is unique to these applications.

The term has been misused and mixed with the concept of sites created from static URLs. Some marketing tactics have conveyed the concept of PURL to a site that is customizable by the user, but in this case, the URL itself is generic. Another model, commonly confused with the custom URL is the focus data acquisition model, which captures personal and demographic information about visitors to target them. Similarly, response tracking URLs create multiple landing pages to track different types of data for geo locations, messages, or to test campaign elements.

So why are custom URLs so attractive to marketers compared to banner or newspaper ads? Well, PURL is not a broadcast medium, but rather allows a dialogue with a well-defined target audience, often this is the customer base or a potential customer with a profile similar to that of the existing customer. The campaign does not necessarily have to sell something from the beginning; You may request information, but only for dialogue and use for future target communications.

PURLs, also known as targeted marketing solutions, are an excellent avenue for generating a pre-qualified list of prospects, sales presentations, and activating cross-selling products, among many other uses. Visit to understand how they can benefit your business and marketing agenda.

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