When you have an average of 75 million people in the United States alone who watch videos online every day, streaming nearly 40 billion videos every month, this offers you a vast medium through which you can market your business. And YouTube accounts for the majority of this medium, which can have more than a billion unique users each month watching billions of hours of video. YouTube is literally a great resource channel that you can use to fill the content with vitality that makes your business stand out among the 72 hours of uploading videos that are made on YouTube every minute. The key is to make smart use of video marketing strategies. Some work strategies include a variety of tactics such as the use of jokes, money, fear, nudity, and bullying content. You can also use broad humor with a cool pun that comes in handy as fun content that adds vibrancy to your video marketing.

Video marketing is an extension of content marketing and serves as a compelling medium for your business to get your message across to a wider audience and gain more exposure. Video marketing has its merits as an audiovisual medium that conveys your message about your business in a powerful way within a condensed time frame. Online video marketing offers you a key means for people to satisfy their information and entertainment needs. Video marketing as the future of content marketing, that is, it is a definition of the incomparable potential reach of video. The video can go viral when the message is transmitted with force and can reach millions of viewers, all due to:

· Inherent ability to share videos;

Engaged viewers who tend to share videos with others;

· The possibility for viewers to spend more time on your website and more time interacting with your brand; Y

Its potential as the best medium in the kit for any social media campaign;

According to a recent study, 7 out of 10 people view brands more positively after viewing interesting video content from them. Video marketing is profitable for small businesses. Apps like Twitters Vine offers a greater opportunity for companies with a limited budget to create attractive marketing video clips. Social media and mobile platforms are multiple nifty channels that are also helpful in promoting your business. According to Ooyala’s research, one-tenth of all video views occur on mobile devices and tablets, and mobile phones have a forty-one percent higher share of video consumption.

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