monument signs

Monument signs are freestanding and typically display basic information about your business, such as company name and address. They are used in a variety of commercial applications and can be designed to fit the look of your business or even match it with its landscaping, if appropriate. These types of signs are a great way to communicate with your customers and help them find the location they’re looking for.

Monument signage is available in a number of sizes, shapes, and colors, and can be illuminated or non-illuminated depending on your needs. When selecting a sign, you’ll want to consider the size of the space where it will be located and the surrounding landscape, including other signs in the area, to ensure that your message can be seen from both nearby and passing traffic.

In addition to displaying basic information about your business, Monument Signs can also offer ways for you to promote specials and offers or share other important details that will keep customers informed. Some examples include announcing the start of summer break for students or highlighting a reading program at a school. Monument signs can also be equipped with changeable copy to allow you to quickly and easily update your message.

What size options are available for monument signs?

Often, a monument sign will feature the business or company’s logo to further reinforce its branding and give visitors a visual representation of the brand they are about to encounter. The color of the sign’s text and background should be chosen carefully so that it can be read from both near and far. In addition, contrasting colors are usually recommended to make the information easier to read.

There are many different materials that can be used to construct a monument sign, including bricks, sign foam, and aluminum. Some monument signs are mounted on pylons to raise them up above eye level, which can be useful for businesses that are farther off the road and need to grab attention from drivers passing by.

Another way to increase the impact of a monument sign is to have it illuminated, which can draw in passersby and add a sense of ambiance to your business. Illuminated monument signs are a cost-effective way to enhance your brand and communicate your messaging 24/7.

There are a number of options for illumination when it comes to monument signs, from halo-lit to LED. A professional sign company can walk you through your options to create a monument sign that fits your exact specifications. For example, the type of illumination you choose may depend on whether your monument sign will be visible at night or during daylight hours and whether it will be in a public or private space. They can also recommend other enhancements such as a masonry-style base or cosmetic effects.

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