The best way to generate ideas for spiritual workshops is to draw on your personal experience, knowledge and wisdom.

Even if you think that there is nothing extraordinary in your life, I have yet to meet someone in this world who has nothing to teach.

So imagine for a minute that you could look at your own experiences, knowledge and wisdom from an outside perspective, how remarkable would they seem then?

Picture idea generator exercise:

Take a sheet of paper and draw two lines on the page vertically so that the page is divided into 3 equal columns.

First… In the left column:

Write down all of your most memorable or significant experiences. Whether positive or negative, write down all the experiences that have shaped your life and made you who you are today.

Next… In the center column:

Write down all the lessons you learned and the gifts you received as a result of each experience.

Some of these lessons may have been hard-earned. But just think how valuable that lesson has been and how knowing it has helped you along your way.

Finally… In the right column:

Write how you think this lesson, this source of wisdom, could be useful to others.

In other words, ask yourself one of two questions:

1. “Is there something about this experience that others can learn from so they don’t have to go through the same pain I went through?”

2. “Is there something about this experience that others can learn from so that they can experience the same joy that I have?”

Once you have completed this simple little exercise, you should begin to see how your own experience, knowledge and wisdom can lead to the ideal workshop topic that you are perfectly suited to teach.

Your next step:

Pick 1 theme and start working with it!

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