What is the “money thermostat” set to?

Interesting question, huh?

At last Thursday’s MasterMind meeting, Dr. Joe Vitale handed out copies of T. Harv Eker’s “The Millionaire Mind.”

It’s really making me see my beliefs about money.

Ol’ T. Harv argues that everyone has a money thermostat that governs how much money we allow ourselves to make. It’s something we learn from our parents, usually.

I haven’t finished the book yet, but I hope you’ll also look at the other thermostats we have: happiness thermostats, health and weight thermostats, relationship thermostats…

The bad news is that we are more or less a set of conditioned responses. According to Napoleon Hill, and I haven’t seen any data to refute this, when we’re fifteen, we’re programmed.

Unless we make a conscious effort to intelligently reprogram ourselves, we will be stuck in the beliefs, conditioning, and thermostats we were given as children.

The good news is that we CAN reschedule.

This is something I’ve been working on for over a year. My money thermostat was set to whatever my bills were for each month. I used to be quite smug about the fact that the universe took such good care of me.

The problem was that he could never get ahead. If she needed a few hundred dollars to pay a bill, it would (seemingly) appear out of nowhere, but not a penny more. She was stuck.

Looking back, I can reverse engineer this phenomenon. My dad was the same. His father was the same. It is a learned behavior.

I decided to “unlearn” it.

I had some extra baggage. I am an old hippie. There. I admitted it. There is a lot about the counterculture that I still embrace, mainly ecological and social issues.

It can be very confrontational.

There is a part of me that would be perfectly happy in a Buddhist monastery, with my personal material wealth consisting of a bowl, a saffron robe, and a library card.

There’s another part of me that wants that Mercedes Benz and a villa in northern Italy.

What finally changed me was the discovery that we live in an infinite universe. The universe has unlimited wealth. I can reprogram my internal thermostats to allow any amount of money, happiness, and joy I desire.

That changes everything.

Just by changing my internal beliefs about money, I managed to increase my income by an order of magnitude in less than a year.

Joe and I have been putting together the Miracle Manifestation Method to help you have, do and be what you want. It is the most powerful mind reprogramming program ever created.

It sure worked for me.

Take a look at your thermostats. How much money have you allowed yourself to earn? How much happiness have you allowed yourself to have?

It all depends on you, you know.

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