Here’s a simple and fun tip to awaken the power of your breath to change worry, feel better, and make powerful changes to feel better.

Breath deeply.

This sounds simple, right?

But when you’re worried, how do you take a deep breath? Anxiety and looping thoughts often accompany shallow breathing. Let’s take a look at some amazing ways to access deeper breathing in a fun way.

Discovering the power of breathing, through singing and my horse!

I first got a taste of the power of my breath in 1988 in one of my first centered riding lessons.

My riding instructor made me sing “Row Row Row” your boat while trotting on my horse, Ibis! I thought she was crazy!

Amazingly, he could barely get out of the simple syllables of a word. My breathing was so shallow and constricted. Also, I felt incredibly silly, really embarrassed, that I was singing while riding!

I tried the simple nursery rhyme and quickly my breath deepened. Oddly enough, I felt my horse trot at a more steady pace and was able to easily go down the ring in a straight line, as soon as my breathing deepened.

Before I chanted and breathed more deeply, no matter what I tried, I didn’t jog in a steady rhythm, nor did I jog in a straight line. I thought the problem was with my horse.

new territory

By simply changing my breathing pattern, I experienced 5 amazing and immediate benefits from singing this simple song:

1) I felt better physically

2) My emotions and worries calmed down

3) My horse easily changed its way of moving

4) I discovered a new form of communication, with my own body, and between me and my horse

5) I discovered an easy way to effect change with previously difficult issues and problems

My breathing deepened, my body relaxed, my attention diverted from the problem, I felt better, and my horse changed. What? This was new territory for me.

fun tip:

Start by singing a few bars of Row, Row, Row Your Boat out loud just to get you going. first verse: “Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, gaily, gaily, gaily, life is but a dream.” (If you don’t remember or don’t know the tune, just google Row, row, row your boat, and find one of the many videos available.)

This causes the throat and diaphragm to open with the flow of blood. She continues to sing the verse of the song for a few minutes.

Notice that your breathing automatically begins to deepen.

And has your focus drifted away from a concern or problem?

Just because you’re singing!

Shift your attention on purpose this week

The breath can take you through any problem or uncomfortable circumstance to a dramatic and powerful change on a physical, physiological, mental and emotional level.

Use the power of your breath with this simple song as a way to divert your attention this week from a topic or problem. Try this with ANY problem that comes up: Walking a dog that pulls on the leash, driving or horseback riding, financial worries, physical pain, emotional worries, etc.

Sing the complete verse for 7 days

Sing the entire verse over and over again for a few minutes at a time, at least once a day for the next 7 days: “Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, gaily, gaily, gaily, life is but a dream.”

let the words inspire you

While writing this article, I realized that the words are also a great metaphor for living life and give a helpful directive on how to live:

Paddle smoothly through life, don’t go against the current, go with the flow, having fun. Remember that life is nothing more than a dream that you are creating.

The lyrics call your attention to creating flow instead of getting stuck focusing on a problem or issue and can become a mindful practice in itself.

sing to feel good

Direct physical changes to your nervous system occur when you sing, reducing stress and muscle tension, and increasing your ability to problem-solve and focus.

An article on the neuroscience of singing on states: “Numerous studies show that singing releases endorphins and oxytocin, which in turn relieve anxiety and stress and are linked to feelings of trust and togetherness.”

When you create this kind of change in yourself, you increase the potential for others to change as well. Just like I experienced with my horse years ago.

Mahatma Ghandi said: “We only reflect the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. Just as a man changes his own nature, so changes the the world’s attitude towards it. This is the supreme divine mystery. It is a wonderful thing and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.” (

Share your positive influences from the song Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Please share what you are experiencing with those around you and let us know too! Send your comment to [email protected]

I look forward to hearing the positive influences you notice when you start singing “Row, Row, Row Your boat.”

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