The benefits of active warm-ups far exceed any other form of static warm-up method in use today. Aside from being shown to be most effective in sports labs across the country, it makes sense if you stop to think about it for a second.

Why do we insist on sitting down and stretching our hamstrings before going for a run when that movement isn’t even part of our running stride? Why do you grab your tennis racket and make big circles with your arms when you’re never going to do that in a match?

The key to an effective warm-up is to mimic the movements you’ll be doing while jogging, exercising, or playing sports. The idea is to warm up the muscles by gradually using them in the same way that you will use them while playing. By applying these active warm-ups, you will ensure that you are adequately prepared to start your exercise program in the best conditions and minimize any chance of muscle injury.

Linear active warm-ups

Linear active warm-ups should be implemented prior to any running activity that does not require side-to-side movement, such as jogging and running. The following linear active warmups allow you to warm up one muscle area while providing a gentle stretch to another at the same time.

high knee walk

Start walking and with each step raise your knee so that your quadriceps is parallel to the ground. Keep your leg elevated at shin level and stand on your toes with your leg on the ground. alternate legacy.

high knee jump

Jump gently from one leg to the other as you raise your leg so that your quadriceps are parallel to the ground. This is a great warm-up for the hip muscles, so important in running.

elevated knee run

This exercise is like running in place, but make small forward movements while keeping your upper body straight and using your hands in the running motion. Again, be sure to raise your knees high enough to maximize the use of your hip flexors.

butt kicker

Jog in place and with the leg that is not on the ground extend it completely back until it comes into contact with your buttocks. This exercise has two purposes; first to stretch the hamstrings and also to get the quads through a full movement.

Touch your jumping fingers

Another great active warm up for the hamstrings, during this exercise, slowly jump forward. Extend the leg that is not touching the ground in front of you and touch it with the opposite hand. You will touch your left foot with your right hand and vice versa. It’s okay to have a slight bend in your extended leg as you reach out to touch it.

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