If you are like me, you will always be interested in an alternative exercise. Let’s face it, doing the same old routine every day can get very boring, very fast, and lose motivation. I like to mix it up a bit so I’m always looking for something that I can incorporate into my daily routines.

A great alternative form of exercise is to use a hula. You can really tone your abs, hips, and glutes. Heck, it works your entire midsection and it doesn’t take much to get a great workout. There are so many hulas to choose from and I am asked this question quite a bit.

Should I get a crested hoop? My answer is this. They work and work great, but there are some pros and cons to this style of hula hoop. I will analyze it for you and let you make the decision.

Hula hoops with ridges.

The professionals: Those ridges are there for a reason. They are there to make it easy to set up the rim and keep it running for extended periods of time. These are great for beginners or anyone who has had trouble picking one up and turning. They cost the same as a plain hoop.

The cons: Some people have reported slight bruising on the hips due to heavy hoops with ridges. To start with, you need to make sure you choose the correct size hula hoop. If you have a hula of the right size and weight, you shouldn’t have a problem. If you feel easy to bruise, then a crested hula hoop is not for you.

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