People make judgments about you based on how you speak. Your speech affects your credibility and even how smart you are considered to be.

I recently saw a presentation where the speaker used “uh,” “umm,” and other verbal fillers over 37 times in 10 minutes. I counted. He fidgeted, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking completely uncomfortable. He knew the subject, but his nervous manner made him seem less than believable.

Stuffing, tics, and nervous gestures are most common when speaking in front of a group, but they can also creep into your everyday conversations. At the airport, I overheard two women having a business conversation and was surprised at how often they used the word “like.”

If you find yourself using “like”, “eh”, “you know”, etc., it usually means that you are running out of time to think about your next word. Decelerate. Take a break. Think about what you are saying.

Ask a friend to point you out when you put on one of your bad clothes.

Record yourself speaking in different situations and hear how you sound.

Focus on kicking one bad habit at a time. Trying to fix everything at once can make him more nervous and self-conscious when he speaks. Start, for example, by getting rid of likes.

Remember that anyone who hears you speak, whether individually or in a group, generally expects you to speak well and communicate effectively. They are on your side. Don’t let nervousness affect your ability to communicate powerfully.

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