If your goal is to lose weight and lose it quickly, then you can’t beat the stationary bike to give you the variety of workouts you need to burn the fat.

Why use the exercise bike to lose weight?

There are two main reasons. The beauty of exercising on the stationary bike is that you can control the intensity of your exercise and control your heart rate to optimize fat burning. When you train outdoors, there are many distractions such as traffic lights, cars, and people that distract you or prevent you from training at a certain intensity level to maximize fat burning. The second reason is that if the weather is bad outside, it is usually a good reason not to exercise. You don’t need excuses not to train. I have learned that one of the most important components of a weight loss exercise program is consistency.

What are the best exercise bike workouts?

Here it is where it gets interesting. The old school believes that low intensity cardio is the best. For many years, people thought that if your heart rate was between 60% and 70% of your maximum heart rate, it would maximize fat burning and lose weight faster.

Several studies have found that interval training will not only accelerate weight loss, but you won’t have to train as long. Interval training involves bursts of high-intensity exercise, followed by low-intensity recovery periods. The percentage of fat burned during exercise falls (compared to other fuel sources), but the total amount of fat burned increases. Fat is also burned after interval training is stopped as the body recovers from intense exertion. That’s the key to interval training.

Examples of exercise bike interval training.

A recent study from the University of NSW has shown that interval training is more effective than low intensity cardiovascular exercise. This is the exercise they used in their study (the results will impress you):

Heat for 5 to 10 minutes;

Sprint for 8 seconds;

Recover for 12 seconds;

Repeat the previous two steps for 20 minutes;

Heat for 5 minutes.

That’s. Depending on your fitness level, you may want to cut your interval time a bit and gradually build up to 20 minutes. Uni’s study of 45 women showed that they burned fat 6 times faster than the second group of women who did 40 minutes of low-intensity cardiovascular exercise. So you can train half the time and lose 6 times more fat!

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