It seems that we are living, in the age of fake or fake news! Sometimes there are simply some faulty aspects of an otherwise accurate report, while other times the entire statement or article is in complete error. It seems that both sides of the political spectrum take advantage of these types of tactics. While this is probably not a new phenomenon, for a variety of reasons it seems that we are witnessing an epidemic of these. Individuals, who rarely tell the truth, attack their opponents, claiming that anything, written or stated, that opposes them is false facts! How can anyone know what might be true and what reports are not?

one. Why does it appear, is this more frequent, today?: Are we really witnessing more of this, or does it just appear to be so? In the past, there were far fewer forms of print media and coverage was mainly covered by a few newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations. Today, with the growth of cable television, satellite radio, and of course the Internet, there seem to be endless outlets. While we used to rely on the reputation of the company and developed a degree of trust in certain newscasters such as Walter Cronkite, David Brinkley and Chet Huntley etc. today instead of balanced reporting some seem to focus on the conservative or right-wing positions, while others are more progressive or left-wing. Major networks, and cable networks (which are owned by major companies), often skew their reports according to their perspectives, positions, and audience demographics. How often, have we observed, that a specific company seems to focus and report far more on the right call than the others?

2. The Donald Trump Phenomenon: Whether one supports and believes in, or opposes and despises/fears etc., most agree that Donald Trump is significantly different from those who came before him. His campaign seemed to bring hope and, to some extent, idol worship, to/from his core supporters, and he used rhetoric and vitriol to cheer them up. and even allow them to see things like us against them! Most political fact checkers, President Trump had consistently and consistently lied, at a record rate, even for a politician. He seems to shift position as the wind blows, and while he proclaims himself the so-called master of negotiation, his style is more antagonistic/polarizing than unifying.

3. Why do his followers continue to support and believe in him?: There are many theories, but I think the main reason is the message, he articulates, it’s what they want to hear. He stokes their fears and seems to allow them to feel justified in their often prejudiced positions that they think are to their advantage. They don’t seem to care about his lies and even his actions, as long as he continues to deliver a message, they want to hear it!

Wake up America, because until/unless you do, our nation will no longer be the country that stands for freedom and justice for all. We’ve seen this before, and the impact, on the story, was consistently sad!

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